Frequently Asked Questions.

Do you offer virtual appointments"?

Yes, we offer both virtual and in-person sessions.

*Note* If you are prescribed a controlled medication, you are required to have an annual in-person evaluation.

Is your office accessible by train?

Yes, we are conveniently located within walking distance of the Ravinia train station.

Do you treat ADHD?

Yes, We provide comprehensive services for ADHD evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment.

How do you diagnose ADHD?

Diagnosis can be confirmed by getting a referral for Neuropsychiatric testing.

As an alternative, we offer the QB test for a discounted rate of $200. This fee is an out-of-pocket expense.

I have been treated for ADHD in the past, how can I transfer care?

If you have previously been prescribed a controlled medication to treat your ADHD, we will require previous medical records.

These records can include neuropsychiatric testing, diagnostic evaluation, history of medications prescribed, or a statement from a previous provider affirming their diagnosis and treatment of your condition.

You may have your previous provider fax or email the records to our office.

Do you treat minors?

Yes, We offer comprehensive mental health services for ages 12+.

Do you offer therapy?

Yes, depending on the needs of the client we may offer therapy in addition to medication management. Some conditions may require the therapeutic services of a dedicated therapists.

We have limited availability for therapy.

Do you prescribe Anxiety medication like Xanax?

Our clinic follows best practice recommendations. We do not support long-term daily use of benzodiazepines such as Xanax. If you need assistance we can help you safely taper off benzodiazepine medications.